Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
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Text File
239 lines
(if (= 2 (exists "REXX:" (noreq)))
(set #defdir "REXX:")
(set #defdir "S:")
(set #destmsg$ "")
; English (default) strings
(set #welcome$ (cat "Welcome to the FWCalendar installation program.\n"
"Select the application(s) you will be using with FWCalendar."))
(set #doabort$ "You did not select an application. Would you like to abort the installation?")
(set #doaborthelp$ "You must select an application to continue.")
(set #seldir$ "Select the destination drawer for the ARexx scripts. A new directory will NOT be created.")
(set #FWdestmsg$ " (The recommended location is the FinalWriter/Macros directory)")
(set #bothdestmsg$ " (The recommended location is a common directory of ARexx scripts)")
(set #selLanguage$ (cat "Select which country's preference file "
"(containing translation strings and holidays) should be used. "
"Existing preference files will NOT be overwritten."))
(set #docDestMsg$ (cat "The documentation is in HTML format. Where should they be installed? "
"An \"FWCDocs\" directory WILL BE created if it doesn't already exist."))
(set #CopyMacrosMsg$ "The following macros will be copied to ")
(set #CopyPrefsMsg$ "The following preference file will be copied to ")
(set #copyDocsMsg$ "The document directory will be copied to ")
(set #CreatingDiffMsg$ (cat "Analyzing existing and new preference files; \"FWCalendar.diff\" will be created if necessary."
"\n\nThis could take up to a minute."))
(set #FoundFile$ (cat "\"FWCalendar.prefs\" exists ... \"FWCalendar.diff\" will be created if necessary."
"\n\nThis could take up to a minute."))
(set #MakeDifHelp$ (cat "An existing copy of \"FWCalendar.prefs\" has been found. "
"This step will compare the existing copy with the copy included as "
"part of this archive. Variables that have been added "
"(that is, exist in the archive copy but not in the existing copy) "
"will be copied to a file called \"FWCalendar.diff\" in the destination "
"directory. This file can then be incorporated into your existing "
"\"FWCalendar.prefs\" file with a text editor to ensure your preferences "
"file is kept up to date."))
(set #DifMadeMsg$ (cat "An existing copy of \"FWCalendar.prefs\" has been found. "
"Variables that have been added in this version of the macros "
"have been copied to a file called \"FWCalendar.diff\" in the destination "
"directory. This file can be incorporated into your existing "
"\"FWCalendar.prefs\" file with a text editor to ensure your preferences "
"file is kept up to date."))
(set #ViewDocsMsg$ "Would you like to view the documents?")
(set #Yes$ "Yes")
(set #Skip$ "Skip this part")
(set #Proceed$ "Proceed")
(set #ViewDocsHelp$ (cat "If you would like to view the docs, press \"" #Yes$ "\", otherwise press \"" #Skip$ "\"."))
; Spanish strings (29.11.99) by Dámaso D. Estévez <amidde@arrakis.es>
(if (= @language "español")
(set #welcome$ (cat "Bienvenido al programa de instalación de `FWCalendar':\n"
"elija la(s) aplicación(es) que usarán dicho guión ARexx."))
(set #doabort$ "No ha seleccionado ninguna aplicación. ¿Desea abortar la instalación?")
(set #doaborthelp$ "Ha de seleccionar obligatoriamente una aplicación para continuar.")
(set #seldir$ "Elija el cajón de destino para los guiones ARexx (NO se creará ningún nuevo directorio).")
(set #FWdestmsg$ " (Se recomienda el directorio FinalWriter/Macros)")
(set #bothdestmsg$ " (Se recomienda un directorio común para los guiones ARexx)")
(set #selLanguage$ (cat "Elija el fichero de preferencias a utilizar según su país "
"(contiene los mensajes traducidos y los días festivos). "
"Los ficheros de preferencias preexistentes NO serán sobreescritos."))
(set #docDestMsg$ (cat "La documentación se encuentra en formato HTML. ¿Dónde desea instalarla? "
"Un directorio \"FWCDocs\" SE CREARÁ si aún no existe."))
(set #CopyMacrosMsg$ "Las siguientes macros se copiarán en ")
(set #CopyPrefsMsg$ "El siguiente fichero de preferencias se copiará en ")
(set #copyDocsMsg$ "El directorio de documentación se copiará en ")
(set #CreatingDiffMsg$ (cat "Analizando los fichero de preferencias preexistente y nuevo; se creará el fichero \"FWCalendar.diff\" si es necesario."
"\n\nEste proceso podría tardar un minuto."))
(set #FoundFile$ (cat "\"FWCalendar.prefs\" ya existe... \"FWCalendar.diff\" se creará si es necesario."
"\n\nEste proceso podría tardar un minuto."))
(set #MakeDifHelp$ (cat "Se ha encontrado una copia de \"FWCalendar.prefs\". "
"En esta fase se comparará la copia preexistente con la copia incluida "
"como parte del paquete de distribución. Las variables que han sido "
"añadidas (o sea, que existen en la copia del paquete de distribución "
"pero no en el copia ya existente en su equipo) serán copiadas en un "
"fichero llamado \"FWCalendar.diff\" en el directorio de destino. "
"Usted puede incorporar este fichero en su fichero ya existente "
"\"FWCalendar.prefs\" con un editor de texto para asegurarse de que "
"su fichero de preferencias permanece actualizado."))
(set #DifMadeMsg$ (cat "Se ha encontrado una copia de \"FWCalendar.prefs\". "
"Las variables que han sido añadidas a esta versión "
"de las macros se copiarán en un fichero llamado "
"\"FWCalendar.diff\" en el directorio destino."
"Este fichero puede ser incorporado a su fichero "
"ya existente \"FWCalendar.prefs\" con un editor "
"de texto para asegurarse de que su fichero de "
"preferencias permanece actualizado."))
(set #ViewDocsMsg$ "¿Le gustaría ver la documentación?")
(set #Yes$ "Sí")
(set #Skip$ "Saltar esta parte")
(set #Proceed$ "Proceder")
(set #ViewDocsHelp$ (cat "Si desea ver la documentación, presione \"" #Yes$ "\". En caso contrario presione \"" #Skip$ "\"."))
(until (> #AppChoice 0)
(set #AppChoice
(prompt #welcome$)
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices "Final Writer" "PageStream")
(default 0)
(if (= #AppChoice 0)
(set #choice
(prompt #doabort$)
(help #soaborthelp$)
(if (= #choice 1)
(exit (quiet))
);end until
(if (= #AppChoice 1)
;Application = Final Writer
(set #destmsg$ #FWdestmsg$)
(if (= #AppChoice 2)
;Application = PageStream
(if (= 2 (exists "PageStream4:Scripts" (noreq)))
(set #defdir "PageStream4:Scripts/")
(if (= 2 (exists "PageStream3:Scripts" (noreq)))
(set #defdir "PageStream3:Scripts/")
(if (= 2 (exists "PageStream:Scripts" (noreq)))
(set #defdir "PageStream:Scripts/")
;Application = Both
(set #destmsg$ #bothdestmsg$)
(set @default-dest
(prompt (cat #seldir$ #destmsg$))
(help @askdir-help)
(default #defdir)
(set #language
(prompt #selLanguage$)
(choices "American" "Deutsch" "English" "Español" "Français" "Irish" "Italiano" "Norsk" "Português" "Scottish" "Svenska")
(help @askchoice-help)
(set #PrefsFile (cat (select #language "American" "Deutsch" "English" "Español" "Français" "Irish" "Italiano" "Norsk" "Português" "Scottish" "Svenska") "/FWCalendar.prefs"))
(set #docDir
(prompt #docDestMsg$)
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(prompt #copyMacrosMsg$ @default-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (pathonly @icon))
(dest @default-dest)
(choices "FWCalendar.rexx" "FWCAddEvent.rexx")
(if (= (exists (tackon @default-dest "FWCalendar.prefs") (noreq)) 1)
(working #CreatingDiffMsg$)
(set #rexxcmd (tackon (pathonly @icon) "FindNewData.rexx"))
(rexx #rexxcmd (tackon @default-dest "FWCalendar.prefs") (tackon (pathonly @icon) #PrefsFile)
(prompt #FoundFile$)
(help #MakeDifHelp$)
(prompt #copyPrefsMsg$ @default-dest)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (pathonly @icon))
(dest @default-dest)
(choices #PrefsFile)
(if (exists (tackon @default-dest "FWCalendar.diff"))
(prompt #DifMadeMsg$)
(choices #Proceed$ #Proceed$)
(help #DifMadeMsg$)
(prompt #copyDocsMsg$ #docDir)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (pathonly @icon))
(dest #docDir)
(choices "FWCDocs")
(set #choice
(prompt #ViewDocsMsg$)
(choices "Yes" "Skip this part")
(default 1)
(help #ViewDocsHelp$)
(set #IndexCmd (tackon #docDir (cat "FWCDocs" "/SendToBrowser.rexx")))
(rexx #IndexCmd
(prompt #ShowDocsMsg$)
(help #ShowDocsHelp$)